One Creative Thought

RX: One creative thought, take daily until the symptoms go away. Find creative suggestions and/or solutions to problems within and without the US.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

25 charged in international human smuggling ring

THIS is the reason aiding illegal aliens may become a felony in the US:
25 charged in international human smuggling ring:
"The 23-count indictment charges that since 1997, Manuel Valdez-Gomez, 53, a native of Mexico and a permanent resident alien living in the Phoenix, Ariz. area, led an alien smuggling organization with members of his immediate family and others.

For fees ranging from $1,800 to $2,000 each, aliens would be smuggled across the border from Mexico to the Nogales, Ariz. area. During the course of the conspiracy, hundreds of illegal aliens were smuggled into the United States. Once across the border, the conspirators then used motor vehicles and a network of safe houses to transport the smuggled aliens first to Phoenix, Ariz., and thereafter to various interior states, including Ohio.

Between Feb. 9, 2000, and Dec. 9, 2003, large amounts of money representing proceeds of alien smuggling and document vending were wired by Western Union Financial Services Inc.
(Isn't that "interesting" - ed.)

Manuel Valdez-Gomez operated an alien smuggling organization, initially utilizing the assistance of relatives and thereafter expanding the operation to include non-relatives who assisted him with fee arrangements to smuggle aliens into the United States."
I urge you to read the full article... and more at the ICE Internet home page.

Because you need to be informed of the realities of life in these United States when next Immigration Reform comes up in your life.

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Alien Roundup at Newport Naval Station

From ICE (the best acronymn of any government agency!) comes this news blurb FOUR ALIENS ARRESTED FOR ILLEGALLY WORKING AT THE NEWPORT NAVAL STATION (16 March 2006) related to Aid Maintenance Co., a contract cleaning company providing services in Rhode Island , Massachusetts and Connecticut (RI, MA and CT). They also provide the same services for both the Naval Station and the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Newport R.I.!

Any AID Maintenance info out there on the net? You bet!
From the September 25, 1998 print edition of the Boston Business Journal
AID Maintenance... hauled Massachusetts Auditor Joseph DeNucci into court to force his office to release information used in a report charging the company with hiring illegal aliens.
(You're kidding - way back in 1998? - wow - ed)
The report claimed that 134 employees of the company used false social security numbers.

In particular, there were 127 cases of employees allegedly using social security numbers belonging to other people, according to the report.

There were 22 alleged instances of social security numbers of dead people being used.

There were also allegations of employees using the same social security numbers.

Loiselle has denied any wrongdoing.
"Ken Loiselle – Founder/Owner/President - Since 1968 Ken has ensured the day to day operations of every customer. Ken has grown his business the old fashion way – from the ground up – through honest salesmanship and a strong reputation."
"The (four) aliens (three Guatemalan nationals and one Colombian national) arrested have been placed in removal proceedings, and will appear before a federal immigration judge who will determine whether they should be deported.

... agents audited the hiring records of more than 250 AID Maintenance workers. The audit found deficiencies in more than 50% of the records of the employees on the company's payroll.

A termination notice has been served on AID Maintenance informing them that 140 of their employees are not authorized employment in the United States. ICE is continuing to investigate this case.
Let's see - AID had more than 250 maintenance workers. Of those, 140 (56% of their workers) are NOT authorized employment (not permitted to work) within the United States.

The irony of all this - visit the AID Maintenance Co. website and you're immediately met with a US flag.

We will have to await the outcome of this as it is under further investigation. But - IMHO - the 1998 news article sort of "hits home" now - doesn't it?

But wait - 'something' actually started earlier (warning: pdf file!)
"On August 18, 1994, the United States Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service (complainant or INS), filed a seven-count Complaint in which it alleged that Aid Maintenance Company, Inc. (respondent or Aid Maintenance) had committed some 139 alleged violations of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), 8 U.S.C. § 1324a, for which civil money penalties totaling $67,250 were assessed.

The 139 alleged infractions consisted of 15 illegal hire/continue to employ charges and 124 record keeping, or paperwork, violations."
(Please be aware - I do not know if this case was overturned in any appeal process. The document itself shows a date of February 12th, 1999.)

As they used to say on "Laugh-in": "Verrrrrry interesting..."

But as you near the end of the document (pages 358-359), you encounter this:
"In summary, the total civil money penalties sum for the 12 proven illegal hire/continue to employ violations in Count I and the related levies for the 116 proven paperwork violations in Counts II, III, IV, V, and VII is being increased from $60,570 to $105,500..."
Ouch! But here is the kicker, from the very end of the document:
"Aid Maintenance is hereby ordered to cease and desist from further violating the provisions of 8 U.S.C. § 1324a(a)(1)(A) by hiring aliens for employment while knowing the aliens to be unauthorized for employment in the United States, or from continuing to employ unauthorized aliens after learning that they are unauthorized, and shall comply with the requirements of 8 U.S.C. § 1324a(a)(1)(A) and 1324a(a)(2)."
Maybe... we add this to Immigration Reform:
"Any organization, corporation, company, individual or any combination thereof found guilty of hiring aliens for employment while knowing the aliens to be unathorized for employment in the United States, or from continuing to employ unauthorized aliens after learning that they are unauthorized, will be prohibited from performing any Federal work. Any current, ongoing contracts will cease.

In the case of appeals, the ban will be temporary until all avenues of appeal have been pursued."
Something along those lines would certainly put the bite back into the bark!

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Friday, March 24, 2006

Mennonites Supporting Illegal Immigrants!

The following words come from a pdf document titled, "Mennonite Church USA Churchwide Statement on Immigration" (note: I have removed line numbers) :
Immigrants in our congregations
Immigrants – documented and undocumented – are members of many Mennonite Church USA congregations.

Immigrant churches face a society whose policies and practices discriminate against immigrants and people of color.

Immigrant churches with undocumented members are deeply affected by the poverty and fear experienced by many members of their communities; often churches share the costs of food, shelter, and clothing, assist in job searches, and support families when members are deported.

Undocumented church leaders are often unable or afraid to travel to larger church gatherings without identification. Congregations without immigrant members are finding their communities changed by immigration and are struggling with how to respond.
Believe me when I tell you - they are not the only "churches" performing these type of actions. I understand the why, as would any caring human being. However, such actions only encourage, perhaps even fuel further illegal immigration.

What can be done about this? Part of the current immigration debate focuses on making such activities a felony. And that is probably the right thing to do. After all - this church statement, along with CPT statements and no doubt there are other documents like these - they are encouraging church members and church leaders to violate the Law of the Land - US Immigration Law.

The proper thing to do? If in need of food, water, clothing - you give it freely. Then you return them, back to the border they crossed illegally. (By the way - CPT claims churches, in the past, were not searched for illegal immigrants - this will no doubtedly change in the very near future.)

If I can find these documents which enourage law-abiding citizens to break the law, so can the US government. It is quite possible that knowledge of these activities, which have been going on for years, led to the proposal of the new felonies in the first place.

The proposed laws are a result of blatant breaking of existing law and are needed.

And to those of you who think the doors should be "wide-open", don't worry. There are plenty of Congress men and women who will cower in the last few hours and bump up legal paths or provide a means of illegals somehow obtaining the legal right to reside in the US.

I apologize for so many articles involving CPT and others regarding Immigration - but you need to know who is out there, why they are doing it and who is providing them the money.

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Immigration Reform - Punish the Victim Not The Perp

The modern psychology of dealing with crime would have us believe "it is the victim's fault for having a crime committed against them." Especially when it comes to immigration. Don't believe me?

First, let's set the stage. Did you know CPT does not believe the United States has the right to establish a border?
About CPT Arizona

The Sonora Borderland is one ecological region, now divided by an arbitrary line in the desert. It is united by geography and climate, and a human culture adapted to the climate; it is divided by an international boundary 160 years old, which is today experienced most dramatically as an economic fault line, and a militarized "Iron Curtain" US border policy that maintains that economic dislocation.(emp.mine)
Arbitrary? Which definition of arbitrary would CPT be utilizing? (Courtesy of MSN Encarta)
  1. Based on whim: based solely on personal wishes, feelings, or perceptions, rather than on objective facts, reasons, or principles -an arbitrary decision
  2. Random: chosen or determined at random; the arbitrary order of the entries
  3. Authoritarian: with unlimited power; arbitrary government
  4. Law not according to rule: based on the decision of a judge or court rather than in accordance with any rule or law
Its certainly not based on whim as it is a well-defined and established border, having existed (by CPT's own admission) for over 160 years. Established, so therefore it isn't random. Authoritarian? Nope. Finally - is it "Law not according to rule: based on the decision of a judge or court rather than in accordance with any rule or law"? Nope. None of these definitions fit.

So toss out "arbitrary". The US-Mexican borderline is a legal, clearly defined border and there's nothing arbitrary about it. Its been there for over 160 years. Sorry CPT - no matter how much enthusiasm you put behind your words, the quote above contains lies.

CPT apparently believes if they can dismiss the legality of the law, then they can come back at us again and claim it is an "economic Iron Curtain" which maintains "economic dislocation".

Folks - here's where the victim as the criminal is slipped silently into your consciousness. Rather than place the blame for "economic dislocation" at the feet of the Mexican government where it belongs... CPT is, like so many other "Democratic Party Policy Line Affiliates (DPPLA)", laying the blame squarely on the victim - the United States.

Yes indeed, it is OUR fault! We're too successful, too work-oriented and we simply have too much of everything. Forget that this nation has fought long and hard to get where it is today. CPT wants you to throw all that out and realize (by CPT's way of thinking) that is is OUR fault, we are responsible for illegals dying in the desert.

The human culture of the desert is characterized by traditions of migration and hospitality. With the historical unity of the region and migration patterns, families typically live on both sides of today's border. Up until a decade ago, (illegal-ed.) crossing was easy and frequent for both US and Mexican Sonorans. In the desert, hospitality for the traveler is a matter of life or death and therefore, a moral obligation. The pilgrim who is out of water is only hours from dying, and refusing aid would be murder.
"Historical unity"? "...crossing"? Crossing what? A border? Oh, but that's right - its arbitrary. And let's clarify a statement: "Up until 10 YEARS AGO... crossing was easy and frequent... MURDER?"


Let's start with 9/11 - certainly that brought about a new awareness of our borders and how easy it was/is to enter into the US ILLEGALLY. And hey - here's a deal - we know drug dealers have been violating the US/Mexican border for more than ten years. Maybe we ought to ignore them too - it is, after all, the only "hospitable" thing to do, right?

"Pilgrim"? Again, lets visit MSN Encarat: "any of the English Puritans who founded Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts in 1620." Oh - well, maybe we ought to try a "Synonyms: traveler, hajji, tourist, visitor, wayfarer". Ah, that's better - traveler, tourist, visitor, wayfarer.

Hajji? "a Muslim who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca". Well - maybe - I haven't heard of too many hajji crossing the US/Mexican border - but then again they have captured middle-eastern illegals at the US/Mexican border.

But - in accordance to the intent and letter of US Law, you may only be classified as a traveler, tourist, visitor or wayfarer AFTER you go through the process of obtaining a VISA. And of course - when your VISA expires, you go home. A pretty simple concept really.

It WAS easy - because a certain President in office for 8 years turned a blind eye. As well as those President who came before him. However, at the current estimate of 8 - 12 million illegal immigrants within the US today, those numbers could have been reached in as little as 8 years. Consider - in 2000, Arizona stated they were putting (on average) "3,000" individuals back across the border per DAY, covering the entire length of the Arizona/Mexico border.

It WAS easy because the citizens of the US were not AWARE of the actual numbers. Enforcement of the immigration laws was a low priority back then too - but not any more. The problem is REAL and now American citizens are aware of how huge it is. No more easy crossings, I'm afraid.

Murder? No, I don't think so CPT. Did US Border guards, or citizens of the US encourage individuals from Mexico, Central and South American - or in fact, any nation of the world to send their citizens here illegally? No, we did not. They CHOSE to ATTEMPT the border crossing. If they die in the deserts during the attempt - and not to be heartless about it - they died knowing full-well they could die.

And that is truly sensless and a waste of humanity.

But - you want to read about a total disrespect for the law?
"As of this date, no one in Samaritans (part of the NO MORE DEATHS coalition - ed.) has ever been hindered or punished for providing these services (giving water, food, medical assistance and/or transportation from (the) open desert to a safe place for recovery). "

"There is a Border Patrol policy not to enter churches, schools, or mortuaries. For this reason, locating migrant centers in churches provides the best protection for migrants. February 21, 2006 updated."
The last bold line is why the new Immigration Reform proposals in particular are going after such organizations. There are many organizations out there aiding/abetting illegal alien immigrants.

What you have above is the beginnings of a guideline on how to hide illegal immigrants.

CPT in Arizona believes (apparently by their writing) they are working against the enemy, doing God's work, by violating the "law of the land" and encouraging others to do the same. (God always encouraged us to obey the Law of the land, as did Jesus).

Who is the enemy? Why no less than the citizens of the US who want strong enforcement of the borders and stronger penalties for those who assist/aid illegals. Forget the law - there's lives at stake here!

CPT and all such other organizations would be better off spending their time in the heart of Mexico, petioning the Mexican government and Mexico's citizens to look inward for solutions.

Mexico has had it far too easy for too many years. It is time for Mexico to take full responsibilty for her own economy, her fleeing popluation and every internal problem which results in the failure of her economy and the flight of her people.

CPT and others are looking for the easy way out - by blaming the victim. It is time to prosecute the real criminal - Mexico's government, her officials and those who cross the border illegally.

How pitiful it is to have the President of Mexico looking to the US to expand its immigration policies so even more Mexicans may enter the US to work. Hey - here's an idea, a creative thought!

"President Fox - how about you clean house in Mexico? How about you do something within your own borders - like job creation, increasing education standards, removing corruption, highway projects, housing projects, commercial and residential real estate development - need I go on, sir?

"Sweep her clean from top to bottom; prosecute the criminals, reward the honest citizens by removing corruption at every level of government. Instill a sense of pride, determination and yes, even a bit of the Cowboy credo ("that might be the easy way but it wouldn't be the Cowboy way") and 'git it done. "

If Mexico, her government officials and her citizens did a better job of taking care of business, Mexico's millions would return to her in droves.

So stop placing the blame on the victim folks - stand back, take a real look at the problem, not the result of the problem, and start working on the Mexican government to improve living and working conditions in Mexico.

Who knows - five years down the road, maybe Mexico would have a problem with US citizens coming across the border to live and work in Mexico!

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CPT Supporter - Israel Gulity of Illegal Occupation

Digging into CPT supporters (from their own links), I dug into the Mennonites of Canada website.

If you are a Mennonite - a Canadian Mennonite - let me ask - do you really believe Israel is "illegally" occupying the West Bank (and formerly Gaza too)?

An experience of Israel - MC Canada:
January 14, 2003
By Steve Drudge

(We spoke with Israelis who live with the constant fear of suicide attacks and the inconsolable grief of having lost loved ones.)

We also experienced warm hospitality in Palestinian homes. We witnessed the crippling effects of the illegal Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza: 60% or higher unemployment in some areas, long curfews in which entire villages and cities of Palestinian people are imprisoned in their own homes, interrupted schooling and commerce, houses shelled, sometimes with the occupants inside, crops bulldozed… the list goes on and on.

I spent a day in Hebron with Christian Peacemaker Teams and another in Gaza with Mennonite Central Committee personnel, and saw first-hand the destruction and suffering caused by the conflict fuelled by the Israeli occupation.

For more information on the Bat Kol institute see its web site,

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CPT Supporter World Council of Churches - One Church Faith Movement?

In recent days, most of America has heard about Christian Peacemaker Teams and their non-Christian way of thanking those who put their lives at risk to rescue three of their group. Instead of a plain and simple thank-you, their spokesman took the opportunity to deliver a political message against them!

Which begs the question - who supports these folks?

The World Council of Churches is one of the CPT supporters, amongst others. The World Council of Churches - sounds like a super organization, right? IMHO, you would be wrong to believe in the WCC or their mission.

What the WCC is working towards is a blended, ultra or uberchurch - from their own words, its easy to see they believe in a "melding" of the world's various faiths, even though those faiths have been and always will be at odds with one another at their most basic, core beliefs:
"Christians must take full account of the experiences of those who have been living for centuries in religiously plural societies, as well as of the convictions of those who are newly stimulated by the broadening religious plurality of their surroundings."
Folks, right there is the first indication the WCC has an agenda. There in plain sight is a call for Christians to accept the legitimacy of other religions and beliefs simply because they have been practiced longer than the Christian faith!

As a Christian, you are supposed to give weight, value to those who have been following Ba'al all these eons. After all, how can they be mistaken - they've practiced their faith for eons!

As a Christian, you "must" weigh the convictions of those who are "newly stimulated" by the ever expanding reach of non-Christian doctrine? Newly stimulated?
"Our experience in dialogue suggests strongly that many "classical" Christian theological presuppositions and convictions need to be informed and challenged afresh by the realities of our times."
Here it is again - in plain view - Christians, your strongly held beliefs (in their words: "theological presuppositions and convictions") are NOT informed - they need CHALLENGED by the REALITY of the WORLD. They need revised because they simply do not fit the world around you!

Gee - aren't they (the WCC) proclaiming the Bible needs a rewrite?

Convictions "need to be informed and CHALLENGED afresh by the realities of our time." What new realities exist in "our times" that have not existed for time immemorial?

None that I can see - how about you?

Next they reach deep into their cauldron, as do most non-believers, and start tossing scriptural quotes at us under the heading, "Interreligious Relations and Dialogue":
Interest in a Christian approach to people of other faiths can already be seen in the New Testament. In the book of Acts, Peter, responding to the realities of a multi-faith context, says to the gentile Cornelius, "I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him" (Acts 10.34-35).

This basic understanding of God's direct access to all people echoes what is asserted in the Hebrew scriptures by the prophet Malachi when he says, "For from the rising of the sun to its setting my name is great among the nations, and in every place incense is offered to my name, and a pure offering for my name is great among the nations says the Lord of hosts (Malachi 1.11).

It is in this light that people within the modern ecumenical movement have been trying to grasp the meaning of their obedience to the gospel in a world of many religions and cultures.
Whoa - stop right there. Its very convenient to search the Bible for a passage to support what YOU want but readers - you MUST take Biblical passages in "context" - because what comes before and after a passage further deepens the understanding we are to gain from reading the passage.

"Peter, responding to the realities of a multi-faith context..." A pretty big presumption if one reads just that passage and nothing else - of course, its an even bigger LIE and here's why:

Acts 9 (immediately prior to Acts 10) is the conversion of Saul to Paul and is a wonderful message to all - none are beyond the salvation found through Jesus Christ. Saul (Paul) persecuted the Jewish followers of Christ, hauling them into Jerusalem for trial and often death. What better choice to illustrate the reality of salvation, a renewal to a greater purpose than one (Saul) who persecuted the Jewish Christians?

It is CLEAR the passages are speaking of THE God, the One, the Only, the God Of Israel. They do NOT speak of any other god. How can I say this? The whole Bible speaks of The One, The Only True God, The God Of Israel. IT DOES NOT SPEAK of "the realities of a multi-faith context" in the world.

What follows 34-35? Why 36-43 of course!:
36. You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, telling the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.

37. You know what has happened throughout Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached —

38. how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.

39. "We are witnesses of everything he did in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They killed him by hanging him on a tree,

40. but God raised him from the dead on the third day and caused him to be seen.

41. He was not seen by all the people, but by witnesses whom God had already chosen — by us who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead.

42. He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead.

43. All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name."
So what part of THOSE words should we challenge? Maybe 42 where God appointed Jesus as "judge of the living and the dead"? No, I don't think so - nope, no way, no how. How about 43 where "everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name"? Nope - no way - for this is Christianity itself.

I do not see much room for challenging those passages, unless I did not believe in Jesus the Christ.

Choosing Malachi 1-11 to support their mission? Was that a smart move? Well, let's take it context - what preceeds Malachi 1-11?
1. The burden of the word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi.

2. I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob,

3. And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.

4. Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever.

5. And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, The LORD will be magnified from the border of Israel.

6. A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the LORD of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise my name. And ye say, Wherein have we despised thy name?

7. Ye offer polluted bread upon mine altar; and ye say, Wherein have we polluted thee? In that ye say, The table of the LORD is contemptible.

8. And if ye offer the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? and if ye offer the lame and sick, is it not evil? offer it now unto thy governor; will he be pleased with thee, or accept thy person? saith the LORD of hosts.

9. And now, I pray you, beseech God that he will be gracious unto us: this hath been by your means: will he regard your persons? saith the LORD of hosts.

10. Who is there even among you that would shut the doors for nought? neither do ye kindle fire on mine altar for nought. I have no pleasure in you, saith the LORD of hosts, neither will I accept an offering at your hand.

11. For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same my name shall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name shall be great among the heathen, saith the LORD of hosts.

12.But ye have profaned it, in that ye say, The table of the LORD is polluted; and the fruit thereof, even his meat, is contemptible.

13. Ye said also, Behold, what a weariness is it! and ye have snuffed at it, saith the LORD of hosts; and ye brought that which was torn, and the lame, and the sick; thus ye brought an offering: should I accept this of your hand? saith the LORD.

14. But cursed be the deceiver, which hath in his flock a male, and voweth, and sacrificeth unto the LORD a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, saith the LORD of hosts, and my name is dreadful among the heathen.
Now let me ask you folks - do you still believe what the WCC proposed earlier?
This basic understanding of God's direct access to all people echoes what is asserted in the Hebrew scriptures by the prophet Malachi...
Do you really believe the WCC's interpretation of Malachi now? I never did.

What else does the WCC have to say?
People engaged in dialogue have felt their own faith challenged and deepened by the new dimensions of religious life which they have observed, and many find in interreligious encounter a new impetus for doing theology and reviving spirituality. Communities in dialogue function as the leaven in the larger community, facilitating the creation of a society transcending religious barriers.
"Communities in dialogue function as the leaven in the larger community, facilitating the CREATION OF A SOCIETY TRANSCENDING RELIGIOUS BARRIERS"? A lot of big, one dollar words.

Folks - that is a clear call for humanity to "rise above" their faith, to believe in the ability of humanity to "transcend" religious "barriers". In other words - put no faith in your Faith but instead, believe in humanity - if we only talk about things, we can rise above even our faith, our beliefs, our religion.

Why, your Faith is a barrier which ties you down; it keeps you from transcending barriers!
We stand at the historic moment when the Christian theological tradition must take full account of the experiences of those who have been living for centuries in religiously plural societies, as well as of the convictions of those who are newly stimulated by the broadening religious plurality of their surroundings.

Our experience in dialogue suggests strongly that many "classical" Christian theological presuppositions and convictions need to be informed and challenged afresh by the realities of our times.
Again I ask you - what convictions need to be "informed and challenged afresh by the realities of our times?" And more importantly, why must CHRISTIANS adjust and revise their Faith? What "classical theological presuppositions and convictions" - that Jesus is The Christ, The Messiah?

Do you think there is anything "new" under the sun? Sorry to disappoint you - but there is nothing new under the sun. Forever there has been a force in this "reality" trying to get you to believe in the power of humanity, diversity and the mish-mash of many religions in an attempt to accomodate, even confuse everyone. The goal is to keep you from knowing and loving the one True God and His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

This organization (WCC), no matter their works, cannot be called a Christian organization. They ignore what Jesus told us via John 14:6:
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
If you or your church is supporting the CPT at least now you know who one of your co-supporters is and what they believe. I urge you to reconsider your continued support. CPT - shame, shame - how can you accept their money if you are Truly a Christian organization?

The puppet dances by the puppet-master's strings. Those who supply the money call the shots. The CPT is more than they seem to be - they are a political action group closely tied to the anti-Bush campaign. They align themselves to the Democratic party which is all about turning moral issues into political issues.

Even worse - they are supported by the WCC, an organization with a mission to alter "classical theological presuppositions and convictions" of Christianity, to conform Christianity to the world around it.

It is my hope CPT truly "sees the light" and rediscovers the true mission of all Christians - "sharing the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

American Citizens Will Loose the Immigration Debate

Why? Because - Professional Politicians (PP) are involved. At every public appearance their "job" is on the line - their Future job, as your representative. Their Choices and Words CAN and DO effect their "elect-ability".

This is why American Citizens will Loose the Immigration Debate.

PPs want YOU to believe we NEED those 8 to 12 million (or more) ILLEGAL ALIEN RESIDENTS (IAR). Why, if we removed all of them within a six-month period, our economy would collapse and we'd fall into a 20 year recession!

IGNORE THEM - its not true. Its never been true and it never will be true.

PPs want ANYONE related to, or having sympathy for those IAR's to remember "they" worked FOR the "guest worker program", "partial or full amnesty" or whatever we end up getting.

PPs are slicker than a Teflon ice cube. Here's the basic logic:

PPs look at the demographics and drool as they consider the possibilities revolving around 8-12 MILLION (or more) IARs. What are the PPs thinking?

1. If we get them a fastpath to legal residency, they'll vote for our party the rest of their lives.

2. If we can't get a fastpath but we get them some path to legal residency, they'll still remember us and when they can vote, they'll vote for us.

3. If we can't get a fastpath or a path, we can get them "Guest Worker (GW) permits". We'll also revamp the immigration process by creating an "accelerated legal resident" program (ALRP). The GW will work here; we can gain tax money from them that's currently "under the radar". The money they earn will pay their way through the ALRP. Once they become a legal resident, they'll vote for us.

4. No fastpath, no path, no GW program. Well - we'll bump up the Temporary Worker Visa categories (H) and expand the NAFTA visa category by removing the educational requirements. Gosh - why didn't we think of this earlier? Their legal friends and sympahtizers will vote for us.

One of these options will be pursued by both parties. Sad, but I believe its coming. Some of the PP are suggesting an expansion of the H visas to 400,000 per year! Talk about the "Selling of America".

Sen. Hillary Clinton brought her interpretation of Biblical scripture to the immigration bash. You know things are getting brassy when Sen. Wife of Bill Clinton Rodham starts telling US how Scriptures fit this situation. (Her interpretation sadly indicated to most she wasn't even close.)

What's next? Will Mr. T (Sen. Kennedy) tell us one soon that, "Last night, I had a vision - open the door, open the door, open the door - over and over; I kept hearing those word. So I am proposing we move forward on a fastpath to amnesty for our hard-working resident illegal aliens. Let us open the door and welcome all who wish to enter the US!"

Is that a car door or a flood gate?

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

French law could bite Apple music - Will Apple say, "Bite me"?

Looks like the French may soon be singing, "Bye, Bye Miss American Pie..."

French law could bite Apple music:
FRANCE'S lower house of parliament has passed a law that could challenge Apple Computer's dominance of the online digital music market by making Apple open its iTunes store to portable music players other than Apple iPods.
Apple must figure that sooner or later, they will lose dominance in the digital music market (dmm) eventually. Now, they can look back to IBM's great efforts involving Micro-Channel Architecture (MCA) and its result - IBM losing control of the PC market, or make a bold move - cheap licensing.

Dear Apple - Recoup your fees through licensing. Yup - that's the ticket.

"Drove my Chevy" - how do the French pronounce "Chevy"?

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Bluewater shopping complex targetted by terror cell - UK News Headlines - Life Style Extra

Think the US government is the only government in the world utilizing 'secret' tactics in the War on Terrorism? Think again:
Bluewater shopping complex targetted by terror cell - UK News Headlines - Life Style Extra:
The potential targets were picked up during the secret bugging of the cell's conversations by the security services and anti-terror police who put two of the alleged defendants under surveillance from February 2004, the court heard.
Now maybe 'secret bugging' may mean legal, secret bugging - but let's be honest folks, as long as the government isn't blackmailing you because you're cheating on your spouse, do you really care?

If you do care, then
  • toss your cellphone
  • unhook your computer from the Internet
  • Utilize only wired phones - those having a cord
  • Your desktop computer can be remotely viewed by nasty gov't agents via RF emissions from your computer monitor. (I'm not to sure if the same can be done with laptops.)
  • Shred every piece of trash three times before despositing it in your garbage.
  • Recycle anything which can carry your fingerprint (glass/plastic/etc)
  • Oh yeah - be sure to always wear gloves wherever you go so you don't leave fingerprints behind.
  • Use cash and only cash.
  • Close all your bank accounts
  • Keep your money under your mattress.
  • Do not utilize any type of plastic card - No credit cards, no supermarket discount cards, no calling cards, no library cards, no gas station reward cards - nothing, never, ever, ever. Get rid of all of them.
  • Don't visit anyone because you'll leave DNA in places you may one day regret.
There - I think that covers everything. Oh wait - don't breather either - surely there must be some trace of you in the air you exhale.

Hold it - hold it - there, Me thinks that will wrap things up nicely for you.

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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Mexico Wants To Be a US Citizen! Or Senator!

KRT Wire | 03/20/2006 | Mexico buys ads to weigh in on U.S. immigration debate:
For its part, the ad (placed in some major US newspapers-ed.) says(sic), the U.S. should allow Mexico to participate in the "design, management, supervision and evaluation" of a guest worker program that should cover "the largest possible number of workers and their families" currently in the U.S. illegally.

"Our message to the American people is that we are your neighbors, we are your friends, this is a common challenge, and we are part of the solution, not only part of the problem," de Icaza said.

Bush, Fox and Canada's new prime minister, Stephen Harper, meet at the end of the month in Cancun, Mexico, to discuss security and economic issues.
Sorry Mexico (specifically de Icaza), but in order to "participate",


This is an INTERNAL, DOMESTIC affair, decisions and/or choices which WILL be made by the LEGAL citizens of the United States of America through their elected representatives (we hope).


And once the radio talk shows pick this up and conservatives around the nation start chatting it up, de Icaza and Mexico are going to regret publishing those ads.

US LEGAL CITIZENS do not want your help, do not need your help and frankly would prefer you focus on your OWN problems instead of sticking your nose into OUR domestic tranquility.

First the Republic of Ireland. Now Mexico. Who is next? Anyone? Panama? Canada? How about Chile or Brazil? Or beter yet - CUBA! Hey - has anyone asked CUBA (that's Castro to you) what Cuba thinks the US 'should' do?

On second thought - don't bother... I don't think even Mr. T or Rocker McCain (Sen. Ted K. and his co-author Sen. McCain) would care to listen. But you never know - maybe you should give them a jingle on their cellphones.

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$10 BILLION PLUS Parmalat-Bank of America Corp lawsuit Will Proceed

Here's another biggie for the lawyers of Bank of America (BofA). Those folks sure seem to be busy these days (at least in the last two years). Keeping on top of things must be a 28 hour a day job for those folks. I wonder if vacation is a word in their world?

Judge Rules Parmalat May Proceed in Suit:
NEW YORK -- A federal judge has ruled that Parmalat SpA may proceed with its legal action against Bank of America Corp. over the dairy company's financial collapse in 2003, The Associated Press reported Thursday.

Filed in United States District Court in Asheville NC, the lawsuit seeks more than $10 billion in compensatory damages as well as punitive damages. The suit alleges that the Charlotte NC-based bank aided a scheme by bank officials and Parmalat officials between 1998 and 2003.

The ruling by U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan comes after one-time Parmalat lender Bank of America argued last November it should be dismissed from an amended lawsuit brought by Parmalat Chief Executive Enrico Bondi.

In his order Tuesday, the judge found Bondi had sufficiently stated a claim against Bank of America regarding the bank's alleged failure to disclose the true interest rate of a December 1996 loan to Parmalat Argentina.

The judge also ruled Bondi sufficiently stated his claim against Bank of America regarding the bank's real exposure to a December 1997 transaction with Parmalat Venezuela and a press release Bank of America directed Parmalat to issue allegedly misrepresenting details of a financial move involving Parmalat's Brazilian unit.

However, the judge didn't rule on the merits of those claims, just that Bondi argued them sufficiently enough to proceed.
Based on this language, Bondi stated both claims well-enough for the judge to rule the lawsuit could proceed. Bondi must have broke out the champagne after this ruling! But what are some of the details of this lawsuit?

Parmalat-Bank of America Corp lawsuit banks Enrico Bondi dairy:
(The lawsuit is...) accusing the bank of assisting executives at the Italy-based dairy giant to conceal its debt and insolvency from investors.

Filed in United States District Court in Asheville NC, the lawsuit seeks more than $10 billion in compensatory damages as well as punitive damages. The suit alleges that the Charlotte NC-based bank aided a scheme by bank officials and Parmalat officials between 1998 and 2003.

Bank of America denied any part in Parmalat’s collapse in December 2003, which occurred after the firm said it didn’t have nearly $5 billion it had said was in a Bank of America account. Parmalat subsequently filed for bankruptcy protection.

The suit alleges Bank of America violated the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, as well as state anti-fraud laws. It (the suit) accuses Bank of America of arranging more than $1.7 billion in funding for Parmalat and its subsidiaries. However, according to the suit, the bank secretly required Parmalat to deposit an amount equal to or more than the loan in another Bank of America account, as cash collateral.(emp.mine)
IMHO: I don't believe you could call the lawsuit frivilous or without merit - as the judge could have ruled in that manner and tossed out the lawsuit - right? So this case, along with the other active BofA cases, will well be worth watching.

And who said the Internet was mindless goo?

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FL Suit Says Bank of America Actions Led to Schools Missing Out on Money

You know - until you really start tracking these things, you don't realize how many ways things can go wrong for a bank. (See my previous entries). Follow the link for the whole story with details. - Fla. Suit Says Bank of America Actions Led to Schools Missing Out on Money:
Coral Gables, Fla., lawyer Ervin Gonzalez has filed a whistleblower lawsuit alleging that Bank of America executives illegally deprived Florida public schools of revenue.

Gonzalez is representing Joseph McCann and Richard Sorenson, who worked in the bank's Florida operations department for several years. They filed their qui tam suit in Leon Circuit Court last June, but it was only unsealed in January after the state decided not to intervene in the action.

According to the suit, bank executives evaded a state law that requires certain unclaimed bank funds to be turned over to the Florida Department of Education.

Instead, the Charlotte, N.C.-based bank allegedly used the funds for an "executive bonus pool". Gonzalez said in an interview that the misdirected amount may total tens of millions of dollars.

"Denying this money that the children of Florida need for their education is inconceivable to me," he (Gonzalez) said. "Fortunately, someone had the courage to come forward and say this isn't right and must be stopped."

Bank of America has moved to dismiss the suit, arguing that the plaintiffs lack standing to bring the action. An attorney for the bank said there is no private right of action under the Florida Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act.

The suit... alleges that Bank of America committed fraud against the state by failing to properly process checks in its role as a check clearinghouse from the early 1990s through at least 2003.

Gonzalez said the bank's senior managers told employees not to notify banks that were owed money due to processing errors. Instead, they allegedly were told to contact only those banks that owed Bank of America money.

Instead of turning the money over to the state, the lawsuit contends that the unclaimed credits were converted by Bank of America into profit and placed in an "executive profit-sharing pool."

The suit alleges that Bank of America's breach of duty as a clearinghouse is a violation of the Florida Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act. As a result, Gonzalez said, the bank "owes tens of millions of dollars to Florida schools."

The FDUPA states that banks, insurance companies and other holders of unclaimed credits must, after an expiration of five years, give the funds to the Florida Department of Banking and Finance.

The department is authorized to make a one-time attempt to notify the owners of the unclaimed credits. If the owners fail to respond, the credits are transferred to the Abandoned Property Trust Fund.

The trust fund finances the operation of the Unclaimed Property Program and pays out owner claims. The remaining unclaimed funds are transferred to the Florida Department of Education to support public schools.

In the 2005 fiscal year, unclaimed credits totaled $208.1 million. Of that amount, $106.1 million went to the Department of Education. The balance went to paying claims and to operating expense

"Trust me that none of these other banks would be shy about reclaiming money if they felt they could," Wells said. "But the fact is they know they have no claim and agreed to the accounting adjustments. And there is no way the state of Florida would have refused to prosecute this case if they felt it had merit."

Well folks - this will be another interesting BofA case we'll just have to follow to see what becomes of it.

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Bank of America's Bessant, NASCAR and Charlotte Win

AP Wire 03/13/2006 Bank of America's marketing chief gets big promotion

Bessant, a key player in Charlotte's winning bid for the NASCAR Hall of Fame has been named Bank of America's (BofA) global treasury services executive, succeeding Tim Arnoult, the bank said Monday.

Under Bessant, Bank of America expanded its marketing portfolio by adding sponsorship of the Olympics and deepening its ties to NASCAR racing, the country's fastest-growing spectator sport.

Besides offering below-market loans for the project, Bank of America and Wachovia Corp. contributed executives, bankers and lawyers to the team that developed and pitched Charlotte's bid for the hall. Bessant was a key figure as head of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce.

Charlotte Wins Competition for NASCAR museum - No Sponsor Needed, or Wanted

There were four cities in "competition" for the NASCAR museum; Atlanta, Daytona and Kansas City (huh?). IMHO the race was "one" (sic) before it ever started. Why is that my opinion?

There's a lot of chatter as to why Charlotte "won" but I'm putting my money on the involvement of Bessant and BofA. The offer of "below-market loans" is one HUGE incentive right off the starting line.

BofA and Wachovia (Watch Over Ya - wouldn't it be the greatest ad campaign? Take note, Wachovia - you can use it for only $100,000) BOTH contributed "executives, bankers and lawyers" to the design/pitch team. Well, at this point they were leading by the exit of the first turn. You know what happens when you put together a team of executives, bankers and lawyers.

What really sews it up for me - and for those involved, comes along later in the details of the deal.
"By its standards, NASCAR isn't getting much for the use of its name. Officials estimate royalties and other payments will add up to $1.8-million in the hall's first year and NASCAR has agreed not to take a payment in any year when the fee would cause the hall to lose money. Outside the licensing fees paid to NASCAR, any operating profits are to be reinvested in the museum."
Pretty standard stuff and darn nice of Nascar if you want my opinion, especially if you stopped reading. But here's the part which (imho) really sealed the deal:
But a late addition to the deal gave NASCAR the right to develop a 300,000 square-foot office tower as part of the Hall of Fame.
The BofA/Wachovia/Charlotte deal is rounding third and they're three cars ahead...
With NASCAR paying just $1 annually to lease the land under the tower and with the downtown Charlotte real estate market booming, that could be hugely lucrative. Space in the nearby One Wachovia Center building (Hello neighbor! - ed.) leases for $26 per square foot - at that rate, space in the projected NASCAR tower would be worth nearly $8-million annually.
Ah, well that sort of helps us understand things better, right? The BofA/Wachovia/Charlotte car crosses the finish line laps ahead of its nearest competitor. (Sorry Daytona, Atlanta and KC!)

One DOLLAR a year to lease land with a potential of $8 MILLION dollars returned ANNUALLY? Whew - now that is one sweeeeeet deal. Wanna place a bet on whose loan papers will be slid under Nascar's pen for a quick sign and a faster thank you?

BofA and Wachovia cars are heading for the starting line... "...Start yer engines!"...

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Bank America GUILTY of Professional Neglect

It would appear being wealthy doesn't necessarily mean one is wise when it comes down to the 'Who Can I Trust To Manage My Millions':

Jury Finds Bank of America Responsible for Loss of Mayeux's Fortune:
PORTLAND, Maine--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 20, 2006--A jury in Cumberland County Superior Court today found Bank of America guilty of professional negligence and mismanaging Darrell Mayeux's $27 million dollar nest egg.

Mayeux, a retired Fairchild Semiconductor executive and resident of Falmouth, Maine, hired Fleet Bank's Private Client Group (since acquired by Bank of America) in 2000 after Fairchild's IPO made him wealthy.

The jury found that the bank's failure to provide the financial advice and investment protection it promised at the time of Mayeux's retirement caused the loss of his fortune. A unanimous verdict of nine jurors awarded the couple $7,448,026.00.(emp.mine)
Well, you can pretty much bet this one will probably head straight into appeal. We'll have to wait and see of course. I think its possible this decision will leave a huge footprint on BofA's back for months to come.

After all - they were found guilty of "professional negligence and mismanagement of Mayeux's funds". Do you think others with huge sums of money might get a bit nervous if they were following a similar gameplan?

In my mind, they have been found guilty of exactly the opposite of what a bank is supposed to be in its customers' minds. The following details explain what and how things went sour:
According to Piper, Fleet's investment advisors courted Mayeux and promised him a banking relationship where his investments would be protected.

Fleet convinced him to take out a $4 million line of credit, using Mayeux's Fairchild stock as collateral against the loan, in order to make other investments to diversify his holdings.

The loan required (that) Mayeux's Fairchild stock remain valued at $8 million. Because Mayeux was still employed by Fairchild, he was restricted from collaring the stock. (emp.mine)
I believe you can interpret "collaring the stock" as "purchasing the stock at a given price and at a certain time". If what Piper alleged is true (can we presume it is if BofA was found guilty?), then the promise of a banking relationship where his investments would be protected is in my opinion, the first sign to Mayeux that he should have run the other way.
1. This banking relationship cost Mayeux $45,000 a year for the Private Client Group services plus $144,000 a year in interest on the line of credit.

2. When Mayeux retired from Fairchild in November 2001, he received no contact from Fleet's Private Client Group regarding new investment strategies for his retirement.

3. Because Mayeux was no longer employed by Fairchild, he was free to collar his stocks and could have paid off the $4 million dollar line of credit.

4. Mayeux was given no financial planning advice and months later, when Fairchild's stock fell, his line of credit went out of balance.

5. Fleet ultimately sold all of the shares at historic lows to pay off the loan, leaving Mayeux with a negative net worth.
I have added paragraph numbers for our convenience while we review those paragraphs above.
#1 - This great relationship was costing only $189,000 a year. And the great advice started out with, "Hey - take out a loan for $4million and use it to expand your portfolio and don't worry, we can back it up with stock you don't really own yet" - or so I'm guessing based on the outcome.

#2 - When he retired - I wonder, did he notify them of his retirement?

#3 - Maybe Mayeux didn't collar his stocks because though he might be very smart, he wasn't financially smart - so he hired BofA to be smart for him?

#4 - This is almost always going to happen when you back loans with stocks as collateral. After all - stocks DO fluctuate and almost ALWAYS when you don't own them!

#5 - This one slays me... and for Mayeux, I imagine it probably tore him up as a person. I'm sure the jury felt the same.
Wouldn't it tear you up going from $27 Million to less than zero - in one year?

Curious, I am - I wonder why the award wasn't $27Million plus interest for the loss of income Mayeux could have earned in a simple saving's account?

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Monday, March 20, 2006

Sen. McCain Feels Like A Rock Star!

Keep Rocking in the Reel World

Senator McCain, after attending a recent event on March 8th in Washington, DC - which apparently attracted 'almost' 3,000 Irish Americans - seems to have enjoyed the visit:
"Senator McCain told a staffer he felt ‘‘like a rock star’’ after the reception he got and immediately signed up to host an Irish town meeting in the Bronx on March 31."
Good for you, Senator. I wonder though - how do your Arizona constituents feel about the immigration reform you and Mr. T (Sen. Ted Kennedy) have cooked up together? Think they'll miss you in Phoenix, Scottsdale or the Valley in general on March 31st when you're hosting the town meeting in 'da Bronx?

Didn't Arizonans send a clear and precise message to you (and others) by passing an amendment to limit illegal immigrants' access to public services? Do you suppose posting the National Guard along the Arizona border might also provide some insight into what Arizonan's want?

Though you may feel "like a rock star" and others may call you a "rock star", Arizonans expect you to act like a Senator and represent THEIR wishes and desires for a secure Arizona.

Focus, focus, focus. (By the way - you don't suppose "rock star" could be a bit of a slam against Arizona, do you? Many people (wrongly) believe there's nothing there but dirt and "rocks". Nah - its just a coincidence - right?)

With regards to proposed US Immigration 'reform' legislation:
Another compromise, between Kennedy and Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, would allow about 400,000 foreign workers to come to the United States legally every year. They could stay for two years before returning to their home countries but then could apply to return for a six-year extension.

That guest-worker deal combines parts of both the McCain-Kennedy plan and another plan by Cornyn and Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz.

The negotiations could bolster McCain's status as a leader on immigration reform, an issue he has been touring the country talking about as he weighs a 2008 presidential bid. (emp.mine)
I'm not sure whose votes you're seeking in the '08 Presidential elections but I would almost bet you - imho - they won't be coming from Arizonans. SURELY Sen. McCain, you aren't looking for Mr. T (Sen. Ted Kennedy) to teach you anything or everything there is to know about what American citizens truly desire - are you?

Take a stranger's advice Sen. McCain. You're living in meta-reality and driving in the left lane because quite honestly, you think you know but you do not think like your average registered, American REPUBLICAN voter - and no, I'm not talking about how the (lost) Republican Party thinks:
"America is a welcoming nation, and the hard work and strength of our immigrants have made our Nation prosperous. Many immigrants and sons and daughters of immigrants have joined the military to help safeguard the liberty of America.

Illegal immigration, however, creates an underclass of workers, afraid and vulnerable to exploitation.

Current immigration law hinders companies from finding willing workers. Without harming the economic security of Americans, the administration plans to reform our Nation's immigration laws to create a system that is fairer, more consistent, and more compassionate."
Anyone shedding a tear about now?

Let's go back and insert "ILLEGAL" in front of those instances of 'immigrant' and see if the paragraph reads the same. It doesn't, does it? Nope, it sure doesn't - even though some illegals seek legal status by enrolling in the military and many would claim it reads better - well, it doesn't.

If the GOP (and the President) wanted to send a strong statement about immigration reform, then the first paragraph ought to have been written thusly:

"America is a welcoming nation, and the hard work and strength of our LEGAL immigrants have made our Nation prosperous. Many LEGAL immigrants and sons and daughters of LEGAL immigrants have joined the military to help safeguard the liberty of America."

Now that sends a signal, doesn't it? Clear, Precise - no room for misunderstandings.

'Someone' out there in/at the GOP has achieved legendary Iron-Chef status for stringing together the hopes, thoughts and wishes of Illegal Immigrants everywhere into such a small yet soul-satisfying meal of the written word.

Hope they enjoy the feast - it might feel good going down but there's no calories in there folks.

And let us remember the best rock stars burn bright, burn fast and burn out. You might feel like a "rock star", and others may call you a rock star, but please remember one thing:

You are a Senator, from the Copper State, a dynamic and wonderful chunk of southwestern territory that is under attack and you really do need to focus. Maybe an essay to the Arizona Republic would help you, eh?

I can see it now: "What it means to me to be an Arizona Senator - By Sen. McCain" (in a 1000 words or less).

Arizonans would love reading it in there next Sunday Edition of the Republic - don't you think?

PS: No ghost writing by Mr. T either, Senator.

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Western Union's $10 MILLION Empowerment Fund for Immigration

Western Union New Force in Migrant Debate

All you eBay sellers who used to use Bidpay and wondered why it went away, let's take a closer look at some recent news and ponder. But first - a bit of needed background.

First Data (or FirstData) was the parent company of Bidpay, which has since been sold. First Data is still the parent company of Western Union - but not for long, as Western Union will soon be spun off, into a seperate, standalone company.
"In Western Union, investors will get a stake in a company that analysts estimate could be worth over $20 billion. Mr. Duques said he expected the spun-off company to increase revenue and earnings around 15 percent over the next few years."
My - $20 BILLION dollars - with expected increases in revenues/earnings of 15 percent for the next few years? Can we say "pre-release hype"? Sure we can - still, its possible.

Okay eBay sellers - here is (imho) a troubling article which relates to First Data and Western Union. Let's take a close look at the linked-article, shall we? Maybe we can find something in there to help explain the failure of Bidpay:
"In recent years, Denver-based First Data has openly campaigned for immigration reform and created a $10 MILLION "Empowerment Fund" for the same purpose."
Did any eBay seller realize their Bidpay fees, and the fees of their buyers, were potentially pouring into a $10 MILLION dollar fund for the purpose of Immigration Reform?

Huh - more like duh, its no wonder Bidpay went under - excuse me, was being prepped for sale, eventually to Cybersource.

You don't suppose a $10 MILLION dollar shot in the IT arm of Bidpay 'might' have made BidPay a more viable organization - do you? Gosh - now I'm really curious, aren't you? Did Bidpay fees flow into the $10 MILLION fund? We'll probably never know.

But what exactly has First Data done with their $10 MILLION fund? Well, you may find this interesting:
It (FirstData) has held seminars on migration law, published how-to guides for migrants, sponsored English classes, given money to a charity that helps Mexican women whose husbands are in the United States, and showered immigrant-sending communities with aid.

It (FirstData) also fought Arizona's Proposition 200, an initiative to limit public services to illegal immigrants that voters approved last year, a First Data official told the Mexican Senate.(emp.mine)
What's sort of funny about this, especially the last paragraph, is Arizona is stuffed to the gills with Western Union facilities - something like 200 in Tuscon alone. "Arizona" is Mexican for "American Mexican" I guess.

FirstData desires to be the number one choice of Mexican citizens in the transfer of cash money into Mexico, so desperately it seems - it actually spoke before the Mexican Senate? It (First Data) told them "We Fought AGAINST IT". Whew - that's impressive - no doubt where their loyalty lies, is there?
"They (FirstData) do support immigration reform for instrumental reasons - or you can use a more crude word, for opportunistic reasons," said Manuel Orozco, an expert on remittances at the Inter-American Dialogue, a think tank.

"But there is also a genuine reality: The money-transfer companies work face to face with migrants, and they understand their needs. (First Data feels) that they have to have a position on this, and it would be hypocritical to stay quiet and let things happen."
Don't you just love 'American' corporations deeply involving themselves in the American "issues of the day" because they don't want to be hypocritical? I prefer the more 'crude' (or is it simplistic, Manuel Orozco?) word - MONEY, or PROFIT.

Besides, 'opportunisitc reasons' is actually two words, far evolved above the words 'instrumental reasons', sort of like icing as compared to the cake.

And sadly, the wheels roll on... and over...

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Republic of Ireland Will Back Kennedy/McCain Bill

Now here's an interesting bit of news ripped from the web:
"The Taoiseach (Prime Minister of The Republic of Ireland or ROI) made it clear the Government (ROI) was backing the Bill put forward by Sen McCain and Sen Ted Kennedy, both of whom pledged their renewed determination to secure a resolution to the problem."(emp.mine)
The Republic of Ireland (ROI) is backing the Bill? How can the ROI legally back ANY BILL within the political structure and processes of the United States of America?

Are we talking about the ROI somehow funneling cash (or other means of support) into various organizations within the US who will then "back the bill" on the behalf of the ROI?

Last time I checked, such interference within the internal affairs of the United States is against Federal law. And those who work with foreign entities could be considered - or at the very least construed to be - agents of said foreign nation - and therefore, enemies of the Federal government.

Which begs the question - WHO really are the constituents of Senators Kennedy and McCain?

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America's IT - Moving Abroad In a Big Way

Maybe you don't follow the American IT industry but a lot of us do. What's been happening recently?

Michael Dell in Bangalore - 20,000 Indian employees by 2009
You knew Dell already employed about 10,000 workers in India, right? You may remember the fiasco over Dell's use of Indian call centers for customer service a couple years back. Well, apparently it didn't phase Dell. Because they will double their Indian workforce within 3 years.

Steve Jobs to visit India - Jobs to launch Apple's R & D facility (3000 people by 2007):
Okay all you Apple lovers here in the states. What do you think of this, eh? "He (Jobs) had spent four years in the 1970's as a 'hippie spiritual tourist' visiting holy places in the country. Reminiscent of Sir Paul McCartney and their ilk eh, seeking spirtual wisdom from without instead of from within but I digress... I guess we can start calling him Steve Jobs, HST - right?

IBM expands further in india with more than 38,500 employees in the country.
The revenue from India operations increased close to 55% for IBM. (Apparently in the last year - ed.) IBM plans to expand futher.

Computer Associates dumps Chatterjee Group
Computer Associates (CA) has set up its own development center at Hyderabad in India. This is something I've expected for years but I'm surprised it has taken so long to become reality. CA is INVESTING inside India which is a major difference from basic outsourcing.

(more IT-related stories here...)

(And hey - its not just IT-direct jobs anymore - eBay Inc President and CEO Meg Whitman said, "it was willing to acquire more companies in India and globally if the target company fulfills its requirement.")

Technically speaking, CA's move 'should' reduce labor costs, for what was once paid to an external company will now remain within the CA bank account. India has little/no requirements for benefits of any type - real estate is CHEAP compared to other property in other nations having a strong, tech workforce. (Everything - including people - is less expensive within India.)

Once inside of India - a corporation can pretty much forget worrying about worker's rights, protecting workers, heck - they can forget about pretty much everything except making money. Why?

Many, many court cases which actually make it into the court systems can take tens of years to move along. More than once, a case has outlived the defendant - we're talking over 20 years to get a case before the judge. Of course, if a case inolved a US MNC, it probably would move to the 'head of the class'.

More important to CA is this: Inside India's burgeoning IT sector, CA will be able to 'cherry-pick' the best. Its why IBM and Dell - and many other US companies are there. There only competition will be each other. Hundreds of thousands of people graduate from Indian hi-tech classes per year, more than enough to fill the tens of thousands of jobs moving permanently into India from the US.

My prediction? Once the big-boys start knocking elbows at various luncheons and meeting around the US, there will be another 'outsourcing crisis'. You know the blow, right? "Joe, company XYZ is setting up in India bigtime - what are we doing about it? What are we doing to compete?"

This time around will be different - because this time, the cycle will be complete. Its quite possible within the next 5 years there will be few, if any IT sector jobs remaining in the US of A. My opinion is this trend has already started.

You might think this would make Indian IT workers very happy but you could be wrong. Indian IT workers, like highly-skilled workers around the world, see their education and experience as a way to increase their income which they will use to elevate their lifestyle, improving their living conditions.

IMHO - once US companies locate themselves inside the Indian economy, the US companies - often referred to as MNC or Multi-National Corporation(s) - will take control of the prevailing wage. Any US MNC not in direct competition with another US MNC will likely do as all large firms have in the past - they will control prevailing wages, benefits (or lack thereof) and find the Foreign Trade Zones within India very profitable indeed.

I wouldn't be surprised if these highly-placed individuals didn't all club together on Friday nights at the local five stars...

The promise of a growing Indian "middle class" with real "buying power" is a myth economists want the workers to accept as fact.

India suffered under the British for a long time, becoming a nation only in 1947 (as I recall). The British are gone but not forgotten; they have been replaced by Capitalists who - for the most part - will be permitted to run free, unfettered by laws and conventions. Indeed, the underlying purpose of US MNC involvement within India or any nation outside the US can be distilled down to one thing: PROFIT.

Don't think India's leaders are slow to grasp this - for you would be gravely mistaken. India's big push, the one they hope will put them ahead of every other nation in the world, will be similar to IT - but this time around, it will be within the medical field. Think genetics, drugs, medical equipment, cloning - if its medical, it WILL be Indian - one day.

One final thought:
Realize the workforce in India is so huge that people still pretty-much do everything. Any attempt to fully-modernize India at the cost of employment will not succeed - for Indian politicians know an unemployed population is an angry population.

A second point to remember, for Indian IT workers, is this: Your best bet is to get some experience under your belt - hook up with a Euro or Aussie IT firm, or perhaps a Japanese or Dubai firm - then leave IF you want to enjoy the full fruits of your labor.

Foreign MNC wil only allow wages to reach a certain level, which is no more than India's nearest IT competitor. If the wage level pushes beyond that point, the MNC will move and move quickly. They will not care what happens to your economy or your people.

Count on it - for it is the way of the capitalist - "Follow Cheap Labor". Profit folks, its all about profit.

As for people living within the US - don't worry, not everything exported turns into gold.

US Airways is repatriating some reservation call center work from the Philippines back to the US and it is expected Delta and others will follow suit (bringing jobs back to the US from India) to increase quality of customer service.

Apparently, customer service works out better for the consumer and the corporation if its done within the US. So hurrah - the US will be recovering approximately 400 call center jobs from the US Airways decision.

Of course, the jobs will be slightly above minimum wage jobs, with meager benefits and I doubt very much they will offset the TENS OF THOUSANDS OF IT JOBS going abroad for software and hardware R & D.

In fact, I predict the US Airway jobs will have little effect on the local economy let alone have any effect at all upon the US economy.

We're turning into a nation of telemarketers and phone reps folks - and that's sad.

One last article for you folks: DaimlerChrysler (is) looking at upgrading its Indian research and development laboratory into an engineering center.

DamilerChrysler has fallen victim to one of the world's greatest 'Hypemyths': "...the area of CAD/CAM and computing analysis "where the Indians are traditionally very good."

Say DC - ever hear of sterotyping? Ever hear of believing your own falsehoods? Don't believe me? Spend a week browsing around the various chat groups, use groups, forums and anywhere else you can find IT people talking IT and read the posts from Indian IT workers contracted to work on US MNC software.

I'm telling you now - Indians, as a national group, are no better than any other nationality, especially US IT workers. It has absolutely nothing to do with Indians being "traditionally very good" in "the area of CAD/CAM and computing analysis".

What it does have to do with is MONEY. Period.

Personally - I'd have more respect for DC if they simply stated the truth.

"We're looking long and hard at India quite frankly, because labor costs are far below what we would have to dole out within any other technically-savy country. As long as costs remain low, we'll be in India. Next question?"

I doubt ANY MNC will ever state the truth regarding Indian labor. We'll just have to wait and see.

The real question, really - is this: "When will Indian IT workers form a union within India?"

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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Trio Indicted For $25 Million Check Cashing Scam

Trio Indicted For $25 Million Check Cashing Scam (for full article)

It seems a married couple and their son moved a total of $25 million through their company’s bank accounts, including $4 million dollars from illegally cashed checks - this according to the Manhattan DA’s office. They got away with it for two years...

Western Express is the name of their company and get this - the $25 million plus 'allegedly' flowed through the business’s bank accounts even though “Virtually every service offered by these defendants and their business was illegal or helped other people profit from illegal activities”.

So, "millions of dollars were transferred illegally out of the United States, evading regulations that exist to safeguard our monetary system from being used as a conduit for criminal proceeds.”

Now in my opinion - that's a very important point. "Millions transferred illegally out of the US, evading regulations". It would seem - and will seem so even more when you read on - that our regulations are pretty much useless. And remember - this is only three people we're talking about - could there be tens, hundreds or thousands more?

Let's move on!

"The one-year investigation began as an inquiry into a report of identity theft." You will note however, this illegal activity took place from 2002 through 2005, so for at least two years (2003/2004), they 'got away with it'.

YOU WOULD THINK in post 9/11 US of A that someone, somewhere within some Federal agency would have caught wind of this within a few weeks of it starting up. Hello??? Anybody out there??? Sheesh!

It seems the indictment charges the defendants for "transmitting money without a license". I like how the article explains the State law - "if you knowingly transmit $250,000 or more in a period of one year or less..."

Uh... translated (I think) -> if you reach the magic number of $250,000 within a minute or within one year, you've violated State law. So apparently, instead of utilizing a single entity, they ought to have used multiple agencies and limited themselves to 249,800 per year maximum.

The second violation was "engaging in the business of cashing checks without a license." Why even cash checks in the first place? You'd think they would have just deposited them and handed out pre-paid debit cards or heck, gift cards from a retailer or some such thing.

"The indictment encompasses illegal money transmitting and check cashing activity from the years 2002 through 2005." So as I mentioned above - it would seem they got away with it for two full years.

Banks are People Too

Here's where it gets good! "The defendants are also charged with falsifying business records in the first degree, a class E felony, for allegedly supplying false information to Commerce Bank and Citibank at the time they opened accounts with those institutions."

It seems the couple were not forthright when they opened their accounts (duh): "... the married couple allegedly falsely reported to the banks that they were in businesses other than check cashing and money transmitting; for example, in one case, the defendants claimed that Western Express was in the “retail business” and, in another case, the defendants claimed that they were involved in computer programming."

Okay - HELLO Commerce Bank and Citibank employees - HELLO!? You just took their word for it because... because??? And oh, how exciting it was that Western Express was doing well not only in the "retail business" but "computer programming". What a winning combination.

Did they have the credentials to back up their claims? Federal Tax ID, State Tax ID, I mean did they at least go through the steps to make the company legal to start with, or did they just claim something and someone believed them? See, I'd really like to know the details... because...

This truly, truly amazes me... Good Lord Above - money must talk. I would think - even at the risk of offending a potential customer - some type of background check/investigation would automatically happen at a bank when funds started flowing in and out - wouldn't you think?

Maybe not hundreds of dollars - but MILLIONS?

Gosh - what's it take to open a merchant account these days? Nothing?

As a side note: I find it interesting the Fed's didn't catch this a long time ago. There 'used' to be a rule involving overseas money transfers (I thought it included electronic tranfers as well) over a certain dollar amount. Two banks handled their accounts but (apparently) neither was complicit, and since not one single bank employee "raised a flag", the threesome beat the odds for two full years.

Finally - I wonder if the two banks who were 'defrauded' will have to pay back any fees charged along with any interest earned by them in the process of handling this company's accounts? And if they did - who would the payee be - the State?


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Bank Of America (BofA) Money-laundering probe

Okay folks - suppose you work for a bank - a huge bank, like Bank of America (BofA). Imagine your job is public relations - you are involved in the creating and timing of news releases to various news agencies around the globe. Okay? Do you think the timing of these two very different (and unrelated) news articles might cause you to reach for some good, old Pepto B?

Paribas to assume $2 bln of BofA client assets
(Tuesday February 21, 4:06 pm ET)
Sounds like a sweet deal for BofA - $2 BILLION assumed - not sold, but assumed by BNP Paribas. Let's read on:
"Bank of America Corp. has signed an agreement to transfer up to $2 BILLION in non-U.S. wealth-management customers to BNP Paribas. The accounts are managed by Charlotte-based BofA's global wealth and investment management division.

The transaction, which is subject to the approval of governmental authorities, is expected to be completed in the coming year. Financial terms of the agreement weren't disclosed.

Transferred customers will be served by BNP Paribas's offices in Miami and San Francisco." (emp.mine)
PNB Paribas has a bit more detail within their corporate press release section:
The transaction will involve the transfer of up to US $2 billion in client assets, representing approximately 2,000 non-US wealth management accounts...

François Debiesse, head of BNP Paribas Private Banking stated: "This transaction gives us the opportunity to double our presence in the United States for the servicing of non-resident wealth management clients”.

Seno Bril, chairman of BNP Paribas Investment Services added: “We are delighted at the prospect of providing investment and wealth management services to these clients. They will benefit from a range of products and services, specifically tailored to address their complex international financial needs".(emp.mine)
This is interesting strictly from a man-on-the-street point-of-view (MOTSPOV); PNB is "delighted" by the prospect. The MOTSPOV begs a question: what did BofA have to say about it?
Bank of America's International Wealth Management group will continue to provide broad-based financial advice, products and services, for clients from select countries where it is able to bring the full breadth of the entire franchise to bear.

Richard F. Kane, head of International Wealth Management, said, “As we strengthen our international focus on locations where clients can also tap the full resources and capabilities of Bank of America, we are committed to working closely with BNP Paribas to ensure a smooth transition for accounts that are being transferred to this recognized organization. (emp.mine)
Sounds good for BofA - nothing like getting rid - oops, selling - darn it, transfering to another organization - shoot, I mean letting another bank assume approximately 2,000 non-U.S. wealth-management customers - without having to disclose the financial details...

UNLESS, that is, you caught another article released the very same day:

The Business Journal: BofA nears settlement on money-laundering probe
Bank of America is close to settling an investigation of money laundering from South America, Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau told Bloomberg news agency in an interview.

"We hope to settle in the next couple of weeks," Morgenthau said. Prosecutors are working out financial terms of the settlement, he said.

According to Morgenthau, Charlotte-based BofA moved about $2 BILLION through New York branches from clients in South America. Most of the transfers were made for a Uruguayan company, which operates near the borders of Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil.

The area
is a hub of illegal activity, including drug and arms trafficking, that funds Islamic terror groups, according to a 2003 Library of Congress study.

With 32 percent of the local market share and $8.1 billion in local deposits, Bank of America (NYSE: BAC) is the market leader in North Florida. The bank may pay about $25 million to resolve the matter, a government investigator, who asked not to be identified, told the news agency.

"We're focusing on unidentified money in terms of ownership coming into New York and going to destinations which could be for terrorists," Morgenthau said.

BofA has settled several legal claims in the past year. It paid $461 million to resolve its liability for bond losses stemming from the 2002 collapse of WorldCom Inc.; $59 million to end a class action lawsuit by Enron Corp. investors; and $9 million to settle an overtime pay lawsuit filed by loan department workers in California. BofA spokeswoman Shirley Norton told Bloomberg that BofA "does not comment on its communications with regulators and law enforcement." (emp.mine)
This is ABSOLUTELY HILIARIOUS - unless of course you are the person responsible for BofA press releases! (Betty Reiss - could be the person or at very least, one of the people).

If the $25 million settlement is accurate, the BofA will have paid out nearly $600 MILLION in the settlement of legal fees in slightly more than a one-year period. WOW - MOTSPOV says, "That's a whole lotta pennies!" MOTSPOV also asks, "Why isn't anyone facing jailtime? $2 BILLION dollars of money laundering - did anyone at the very least, get fired?"
We'll probably never know...

Pure coincidence, not checking the alignment of planets and stars, or downright bad luck? Who knows - maybe someone's not reading their tea leaves. But at the very least, you might find the timing an amazing coincidence.

And then there is this precious jewel of news (3/9/2006):
Charlotte-based Bank of America Corp. and Wachovia Corp. are among the financial institutions that are reissuing debit cards to customers after a security breach at a "third-party location," possibly a U.S. retailer.

"We have notified some customers that their card information may have been compromised at a third-party location," Bank of America spokeswoman Betty Riess said today.

Neither bank would disclose how many customers have been affected. Both institutions said card holders would not be held responsible for fraudulent charges.

Wachovia spokeswoman Mary Beth Navarro said the breach came outside Wachovia, but declined to name the third party. Customers who have been affected will receive a new card in the mail and a letter explaining the situation, she said.(emp.mine)

I wonder why neither bank would disclose how many customers were effected? What if it were 1,000 - would a thousand be newsworthy? 5,000? How many would be newsworthy? Who knows - but the MOTSPOV suggests by not announcing a number, people will speculate on a number much higher than were actually involved. Oh well...

Get out there and enjoy the day!

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