One Creative Thought

RX: One creative thought, take daily until the symptoms go away. Find creative suggestions and/or solutions to problems within and without the US.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Bluewater shopping complex targetted by terror cell - UK News Headlines - Life Style Extra

Think the US government is the only government in the world utilizing 'secret' tactics in the War on Terrorism? Think again:
Bluewater shopping complex targetted by terror cell - UK News Headlines - Life Style Extra:
The potential targets were picked up during the secret bugging of the cell's conversations by the security services and anti-terror police who put two of the alleged defendants under surveillance from February 2004, the court heard.
Now maybe 'secret bugging' may mean legal, secret bugging - but let's be honest folks, as long as the government isn't blackmailing you because you're cheating on your spouse, do you really care?

If you do care, then
  • toss your cellphone
  • unhook your computer from the Internet
  • Utilize only wired phones - those having a cord
  • Your desktop computer can be remotely viewed by nasty gov't agents via RF emissions from your computer monitor. (I'm not to sure if the same can be done with laptops.)
  • Shred every piece of trash three times before despositing it in your garbage.
  • Recycle anything which can carry your fingerprint (glass/plastic/etc)
  • Oh yeah - be sure to always wear gloves wherever you go so you don't leave fingerprints behind.
  • Use cash and only cash.
  • Close all your bank accounts
  • Keep your money under your mattress.
  • Do not utilize any type of plastic card - No credit cards, no supermarket discount cards, no calling cards, no library cards, no gas station reward cards - nothing, never, ever, ever. Get rid of all of them.
  • Don't visit anyone because you'll leave DNA in places you may one day regret.
There - I think that covers everything. Oh wait - don't breather either - surely there must be some trace of you in the air you exhale.

Hold it - hold it - there, Me thinks that will wrap things up nicely for you.


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