One Creative Thought

RX: One creative thought, take daily until the symptoms go away. Find creative suggestions and/or solutions to problems within and without the US.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Mennonites Supporting Illegal Immigrants!

The following words come from a pdf document titled, "Mennonite Church USA Churchwide Statement on Immigration" (note: I have removed line numbers) :
Immigrants in our congregations
Immigrants – documented and undocumented – are members of many Mennonite Church USA congregations.

Immigrant churches face a society whose policies and practices discriminate against immigrants and people of color.

Immigrant churches with undocumented members are deeply affected by the poverty and fear experienced by many members of their communities; often churches share the costs of food, shelter, and clothing, assist in job searches, and support families when members are deported.

Undocumented church leaders are often unable or afraid to travel to larger church gatherings without identification. Congregations without immigrant members are finding their communities changed by immigration and are struggling with how to respond.
Believe me when I tell you - they are not the only "churches" performing these type of actions. I understand the why, as would any caring human being. However, such actions only encourage, perhaps even fuel further illegal immigration.

What can be done about this? Part of the current immigration debate focuses on making such activities a felony. And that is probably the right thing to do. After all - this church statement, along with CPT statements and no doubt there are other documents like these - they are encouraging church members and church leaders to violate the Law of the Land - US Immigration Law.

The proper thing to do? If in need of food, water, clothing - you give it freely. Then you return them, back to the border they crossed illegally. (By the way - CPT claims churches, in the past, were not searched for illegal immigrants - this will no doubtedly change in the very near future.)

If I can find these documents which enourage law-abiding citizens to break the law, so can the US government. It is quite possible that knowledge of these activities, which have been going on for years, led to the proposal of the new felonies in the first place.

The proposed laws are a result of blatant breaking of existing law and are needed.

And to those of you who think the doors should be "wide-open", don't worry. There are plenty of Congress men and women who will cower in the last few hours and bump up legal paths or provide a means of illegals somehow obtaining the legal right to reside in the US.

I apologize for so many articles involving CPT and others regarding Immigration - but you need to know who is out there, why they are doing it and who is providing them the money.


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