One Creative Thought

RX: One creative thought, take daily until the symptoms go away. Find creative suggestions and/or solutions to problems within and without the US.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Immigration Reform - Punish the Victim Not The Perp

The modern psychology of dealing with crime would have us believe "it is the victim's fault for having a crime committed against them." Especially when it comes to immigration. Don't believe me?

First, let's set the stage. Did you know CPT does not believe the United States has the right to establish a border?
About CPT Arizona

The Sonora Borderland is one ecological region, now divided by an arbitrary line in the desert. It is united by geography and climate, and a human culture adapted to the climate; it is divided by an international boundary 160 years old, which is today experienced most dramatically as an economic fault line, and a militarized "Iron Curtain" US border policy that maintains that economic dislocation.(emp.mine)
Arbitrary? Which definition of arbitrary would CPT be utilizing? (Courtesy of MSN Encarta)
  1. Based on whim: based solely on personal wishes, feelings, or perceptions, rather than on objective facts, reasons, or principles -an arbitrary decision
  2. Random: chosen or determined at random; the arbitrary order of the entries
  3. Authoritarian: with unlimited power; arbitrary government
  4. Law not according to rule: based on the decision of a judge or court rather than in accordance with any rule or law
Its certainly not based on whim as it is a well-defined and established border, having existed (by CPT's own admission) for over 160 years. Established, so therefore it isn't random. Authoritarian? Nope. Finally - is it "Law not according to rule: based on the decision of a judge or court rather than in accordance with any rule or law"? Nope. None of these definitions fit.

So toss out "arbitrary". The US-Mexican borderline is a legal, clearly defined border and there's nothing arbitrary about it. Its been there for over 160 years. Sorry CPT - no matter how much enthusiasm you put behind your words, the quote above contains lies.

CPT apparently believes if they can dismiss the legality of the law, then they can come back at us again and claim it is an "economic Iron Curtain" which maintains "economic dislocation".

Folks - here's where the victim as the criminal is slipped silently into your consciousness. Rather than place the blame for "economic dislocation" at the feet of the Mexican government where it belongs... CPT is, like so many other "Democratic Party Policy Line Affiliates (DPPLA)", laying the blame squarely on the victim - the United States.

Yes indeed, it is OUR fault! We're too successful, too work-oriented and we simply have too much of everything. Forget that this nation has fought long and hard to get where it is today. CPT wants you to throw all that out and realize (by CPT's way of thinking) that is is OUR fault, we are responsible for illegals dying in the desert.

The human culture of the desert is characterized by traditions of migration and hospitality. With the historical unity of the region and migration patterns, families typically live on both sides of today's border. Up until a decade ago, (illegal-ed.) crossing was easy and frequent for both US and Mexican Sonorans. In the desert, hospitality for the traveler is a matter of life or death and therefore, a moral obligation. The pilgrim who is out of water is only hours from dying, and refusing aid would be murder.
"Historical unity"? "...crossing"? Crossing what? A border? Oh, but that's right - its arbitrary. And let's clarify a statement: "Up until 10 YEARS AGO... crossing was easy and frequent... MURDER?"


Let's start with 9/11 - certainly that brought about a new awareness of our borders and how easy it was/is to enter into the US ILLEGALLY. And hey - here's a deal - we know drug dealers have been violating the US/Mexican border for more than ten years. Maybe we ought to ignore them too - it is, after all, the only "hospitable" thing to do, right?

"Pilgrim"? Again, lets visit MSN Encarat: "any of the English Puritans who founded Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts in 1620." Oh - well, maybe we ought to try a "Synonyms: traveler, hajji, tourist, visitor, wayfarer". Ah, that's better - traveler, tourist, visitor, wayfarer.

Hajji? "a Muslim who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca". Well - maybe - I haven't heard of too many hajji crossing the US/Mexican border - but then again they have captured middle-eastern illegals at the US/Mexican border.

But - in accordance to the intent and letter of US Law, you may only be classified as a traveler, tourist, visitor or wayfarer AFTER you go through the process of obtaining a VISA. And of course - when your VISA expires, you go home. A pretty simple concept really.

It WAS easy - because a certain President in office for 8 years turned a blind eye. As well as those President who came before him. However, at the current estimate of 8 - 12 million illegal immigrants within the US today, those numbers could have been reached in as little as 8 years. Consider - in 2000, Arizona stated they were putting (on average) "3,000" individuals back across the border per DAY, covering the entire length of the Arizona/Mexico border.

It WAS easy because the citizens of the US were not AWARE of the actual numbers. Enforcement of the immigration laws was a low priority back then too - but not any more. The problem is REAL and now American citizens are aware of how huge it is. No more easy crossings, I'm afraid.

Murder? No, I don't think so CPT. Did US Border guards, or citizens of the US encourage individuals from Mexico, Central and South American - or in fact, any nation of the world to send their citizens here illegally? No, we did not. They CHOSE to ATTEMPT the border crossing. If they die in the deserts during the attempt - and not to be heartless about it - they died knowing full-well they could die.

And that is truly sensless and a waste of humanity.

But - you want to read about a total disrespect for the law?
"As of this date, no one in Samaritans (part of the NO MORE DEATHS coalition - ed.) has ever been hindered or punished for providing these services (giving water, food, medical assistance and/or transportation from (the) open desert to a safe place for recovery). "

"There is a Border Patrol policy not to enter churches, schools, or mortuaries. For this reason, locating migrant centers in churches provides the best protection for migrants. February 21, 2006 updated."
The last bold line is why the new Immigration Reform proposals in particular are going after such organizations. There are many organizations out there aiding/abetting illegal alien immigrants.

What you have above is the beginnings of a guideline on how to hide illegal immigrants.

CPT in Arizona believes (apparently by their writing) they are working against the enemy, doing God's work, by violating the "law of the land" and encouraging others to do the same. (God always encouraged us to obey the Law of the land, as did Jesus).

Who is the enemy? Why no less than the citizens of the US who want strong enforcement of the borders and stronger penalties for those who assist/aid illegals. Forget the law - there's lives at stake here!

CPT and all such other organizations would be better off spending their time in the heart of Mexico, petioning the Mexican government and Mexico's citizens to look inward for solutions.

Mexico has had it far too easy for too many years. It is time for Mexico to take full responsibilty for her own economy, her fleeing popluation and every internal problem which results in the failure of her economy and the flight of her people.

CPT and others are looking for the easy way out - by blaming the victim. It is time to prosecute the real criminal - Mexico's government, her officials and those who cross the border illegally.

How pitiful it is to have the President of Mexico looking to the US to expand its immigration policies so even more Mexicans may enter the US to work. Hey - here's an idea, a creative thought!

"President Fox - how about you clean house in Mexico? How about you do something within your own borders - like job creation, increasing education standards, removing corruption, highway projects, housing projects, commercial and residential real estate development - need I go on, sir?

"Sweep her clean from top to bottom; prosecute the criminals, reward the honest citizens by removing corruption at every level of government. Instill a sense of pride, determination and yes, even a bit of the Cowboy credo ("that might be the easy way but it wouldn't be the Cowboy way") and 'git it done. "

If Mexico, her government officials and her citizens did a better job of taking care of business, Mexico's millions would return to her in droves.

So stop placing the blame on the victim folks - stand back, take a real look at the problem, not the result of the problem, and start working on the Mexican government to improve living and working conditions in Mexico.

Who knows - five years down the road, maybe Mexico would have a problem with US citizens coming across the border to live and work in Mexico!


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