One Creative Thought

RX: One creative thought, take daily until the symptoms go away. Find creative suggestions and/or solutions to problems within and without the US.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Congrats Tom & Katie - But Bahama Works Better

The "long anticipated wait" (for everyone but me apparently) is over - it's a girl. And she's been named Suri. Well, interesting choice for a Scientologist, since (from what I can uncover) it is an aka for "Lord Krishna" or at the least, an empowering name devoted to LK.

My research indicates "Suri" is typically a Hindu boy's name - so its a break from tradition you want, is it?

My first choices? "Bahama" Cruise for a girl. And of course, "Alaska" Cruise for a boy. Now as to why non-Hindu parents, believers in 'Scientology' would choose a Hindu boy's name for their baby daughter which ties into the Hindu faith, as opposed to an exciting name like Bahama or Alaska, who can say?

This is of course the final entry on the subject - I wonder if they considered the future, potential promotional value of choosing "Carnival" for a boy or a girl?

Ah well - they missed the boat.


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