One Creative Thought

RX: One creative thought, take daily until the symptoms go away. Find creative suggestions and/or solutions to problems within and without the US.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Sen. Cornyn, Texas Instruments, Immigration - Where's the proof?

Where's the PROOF?

The Hindu News Update Service:
"We don't have enough homegrown scientists and people who are well-trained in math and science, and what happens is those jobs are offshored or outsourced to places like India and China," Senator John Cornyn, Texas, said as the Judiciary Committee debated the issue on Monday. "It represents a real challenge to American competitiveness."
Two BIG problems here, Senator.

1. US Citizens are sick to their very core of hearing the "Woe is me, I can't be competitive because I can't find enough CHEAP FOREIGN WORKERS. PUH-LEASE!

2. Exactly how many jobs, what specific jobs, what are the KSA (knowledge/skill/abilities) required for those jobs? Oh - and how many LEGAL US Citizens were interviewed for these positions?

Senator - US Citizens aren't the dummies every politician thinks they are - we want DETAILS!

Texas is home to Texas Instruments, right? Maybe you ought to have touched based with the President of TI first:
Richard K Templeton, president and CEO, Texas Instruments, on a visit to Bangalore said: “The enormous consumer population here, combined with the intellectual capacity available in this country, will impact markets all over the globe for years to come. All of us at TI recognise India not only as a strong and growing market for semiconductors, but also as a place where new ideas are helping shape the direction of technology.”
And how many people does TI need?:
...Texas Instruments India, which has about 1,200 working on high-end chip design, pays a stipend to take care of the broadband and phone costs at home.
And to think - that is just on high-end chip design.

TI has been in India for over 20 YEARS so please Senator, spare us your weak talking points - nay, your Immigration Mantra and just state the obvious.

Its all about votes, getting re-elected and feeling powerful.

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