US Immigration Reform - A Fresh Idea
Lots of chatter out there regarding upcoming US Immigration Reform (USIR). Here's my two cents.
I suggest any type of USIR must have a new, mandatory requirement and here it is:
Every individual or organization initiating the process to bring foreign workers into the USA (and its possessions) MUST post the position, the position's KSA (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities) requirements, as well as additional employment-related datum on the US Federal Foreign Worker Request database."Of course, the USFFWR does not currently exist - but the framework does exist. Its called USAJOBS. The structure of the existing software would easily adapt to become this new job database, USFFWR.
American citizens (taxpayers) would visit the new USFFWR jobsite for many reasons. First and foremost are the available jobs. Not only could US citizens apply for these jobs, but US citizens would know, without a doubt, what employment opportunities were going to foreign nationals and who was hiring them.
There could be no objection by individuals/organizations requesting foreign workers - after all, if its an immigration law, they must comply - right? In reality, it would serve those seeking to hire foreign workers if they could find US citizens (AND Legal Permanent Residents or LPR) skilled and available.
The mandatory time a position would need to be posted open/available would be a minimum of 30 days - but 45 days might be a better minimum. Meaning, XX days must pass before the submitting organization could proceed with hiring a foreign worker.
Applications submitted to these open positions would be tracked to determine if the posting organization followed through. It could be a simple matter of matching applicant KSA to the opening's KSA requirements. If 500 applicants applied but none were hired - that would be a red flag and an investigation would be required.
If a posted opening was not filled by a US Citizen (or LPR) within XX days, its status would change from "open/available" to "paperwork pending". At that point, the US Gov't paperwork process would begin, a process which would ultimately result in allowing foreign workers into the US to fill the position.
And no funny stuff here either - each opening would require its own, separate posting. For example: Corporation XYZ has a need for 30 employees for short-term agricultural work at $9.00 an hour. Corporation XYZ must post 30 openings to the USFFWR database.
The use of a USFFWR database would enhance the US Govt's efforts in processing requests for foreign workers. Every US Citizen would have the ability to apply for the positions and would know what individuals/corporations within the US were seeking foreign workers.
IMHO such a database is needed - and should be mandatory to any US Immigration Reform being drafted. Think about it - and post your comments.
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